Archives for September 2018

A post from a model railroader regarding creative hobbies

The following is a post from a Model Railroading group, BUT is generic enough for ALL hobbyists, whether the hobby is quilt-making, woodworking, crocheting, whatever. [for every model railroad jargon word below, insert a jargon word from your particular hobby.] ==== THE SUNDAY EVENING POST (Dave Pye) THE CASUAL MODELER Not every modeler has to be an all-out, “REAL” model railroader, if for no … [Read more...]

Great quote from Charlton Heston

A great quote. Charlton Heston wrote in his autobiography, In the Arena, that The Omega Man (the 1971 movie) was Rosalind Cash's first leading role in a film, and that she was understandably "a little edgy" about doing a love scene with him. Heston explained, "It was in the seventies that I realized a generation of actors had grown up who saw me in terms of the iconic roles they remembered from … [Read more...]

VP Pence interview

From a CNN article, dated this morning. ==== "I mean the truth of the matter is over the last eight years despite what we heard from President Obama on Friday, I mean this country was struggling ... it was the weakest economy since the Great Depression," Pence said. [BSW: Shaking my head. Yes, the Great Recession started toward the end of President George W. Bush’s presidency in the summer/fall … [Read more...]

Random thoughts

[don’t read this - it’s just totally random and miscellaneous thoughts] It’s really been a strange week for me (for a variety of reasons) - I’m off on vacation all week, and have been doing a lot of physical hard labor (over a period of a few days), and I’m just exhausted from it - over the weekend, moving all the junk from the garage into a U-haul truck so that a new garage door can be … [Read more...]

eBay account “hacked” – huh

Wow, oh, wow. I don’t check my personal email more than once a day, and only usually check it at lunch time or in the evening. So, I was just checking my email an hour ago, and i saw an email from 6:30am, from eBay indicating I had just changed my eBay email address to something new - not indicating what the new email address is, but did indicate the ip address of the request - the ip address … [Read more...]

Quote from a lawyer

Quote of the day from a young (seemingly racist) lawyer in Orange County, CA: "If you have no malintent, you didn't do anything wrong." … [Read more...]

Remarks on Ozark S2

[I don’t think I’ve included any spoilers here.] In the middle of S2 of Ozark - it just keeps getting better and better. Love Jason Bateman and how cool (calm) his character is. Love “Wendy” stepping up and getting more involved. Love “Ruth” and her attitude. Still love “Buddy” and his old guy sense of humor, and wisdom. Glad to see they’ve brought back (slowly) a few characters from last season … [Read more...]

Grocery delivery – and paper thin margins for grocers.

I just don’t get how these things work. I’m talking about free grocery delivery. First, let me say this (since I wouldn’t want people to think I’m totally stupid), yes, I know, Amazon has big pockets and their most profitable division (AWS) is probably propping up the grocery delivery services. But, there is now, “Instacart”, and “Shipt“, as well as perhaps, many others. I’m assuming everyone is … [Read more...]