A Lailah memory on Facebook

Wow, from a year ago, even then she had an amazing personality (with making me laugh). I had so much fun all of last year having her babysit me on a weekly basis. This year, the visits are not as frequent (every 3-4 weeks), and, boy, do I truly miss her! I am so glad I was able to spend as much time as I did with her - just an amazing and loving experience. And, now, she's growing up so fast. Too … [Read more...]

Lailah thoughts

(this was part of another post, but I decided to separate them...) I was able to spend time with Lailah twice this weekend. Friday night was "Finding Dory" and then, we spent most of the day together on Saturday, going to a children's book reading session at B&N on Saturday morning, where an employee reads a couple of books to the children - we've done this a few times in the past, but this … [Read more...]

Dinner and movie with Lailah

The little one took me to dinner tonight ("fast food"), and then, we went to see the new Disney movie "Finding Dory". Each time I see her, I am slowly starting to realize she is no longer 2 or 3, she is now 4: she sat in her own seat for the majority of the movie, only sitting on my lap for maybe 10 minutes. She didn't fidget at all. She is such a well behaved little girl. I think she liked the … [Read more...]

Lailah and Grand Days

Had a surprise opportunity to spend the day with the little girl today. We went to Grand Days in Saint Paul. There is a special area just for children where they had a pony ride (which she loved), two different inflatable bouncy houses - we ended up doing both bouncy houses - twice, because we'd bought $10 worth of tickets and had to get rid of them somehow. She wanted (and got) some … [Read more...]

Lailah and her iPad

A year ago. That iPad was kind of an obsession with her - not any longer when she's with me. … [Read more...]

Grad ceremony and cameras (and little girls)

Omg, so much to share, don't know where to start. (Maybe, we'll only share one story right now) FYI: If you bring your 4 year old granddaughter to a one-time event, such as someone's college graduation ceremony, don't let them play with the camera before taking the pics. Camera "setting" icon was supposed to be on "green/auto". Ended up set on an icon of a "track/field runner". Which, if you're … [Read more...]

Lailah visiting after the grad ceremony

Icing on the cake tonight, perfect ending to a perfect day. Got to spend time with, and play with my little girl for the last four hours, first, at the "water park" (which unfortunately didn't have the water turned on yet), but they also have a huge playground with a huge jungle gym, swing set, slides, etc. We played there for a long time. Then we painted for a bit, read a few books (a new one … [Read more...]

Star Trek, Red Shirts, and Lailah

Almost every episode, a Federation "red shirt" from the Enterprise would somehow be killed, and Bones (Dr. McCoy) would be kneeling by the guy, checking his pulse, then while looking up at Kirk, say the words: "He's dead, Jim". (It really was like clock work) [I taught this phrase to Lailah more than a year ago, and she still says it to me, knowing i will laugh and laugh when she says it.] … [Read more...]

Lailah – spin art painting

"We" (the "Royal" We) bought this kid's art device, a splatter/spinner thing-a-ma-bob, in early or mid December. You know, the kind where you put a piece of card stock into it and it spins it around, and you then squirt paint onto the card stock as it spins, causing these multi-colored circle things... After the first one or two times using it in December, we (not the royal we, but Lailah and I) … [Read more...]

Lailah sightings

Lailah sightings have been a bit more further apart than usual, this last month or two. She is such a busy girl these days! This is one of two short videos we found of her, dated yesterday. We don't know the exact location where these were made, or even who the videographer/narrator is... First vid is only a minute long and the second is 3-1/2 mins long. [We also found a couple of brand new … [Read more...]