Reece, and U/W Eau Claire

Pseudo-step son came home from U/W (Eau Claire) this afternoon, after just 3 weeks there, just to get out of his dorm room and visit his friends he left behind here in AV, etc. I walk in the door after work, and he already had his laptop out and cranked up to show me his first ever C program he wrote – he was so proud of it (and, i, of him). I had planned on going to see a movie tonight after dinner, but he had so, so, many questions (on programming – like what language did I use, do I know about ?, etc,, that I stayed home and we talked for another hour or two (a rare event here in AV) before he left to see his former HS buddies. I think he sees me in a different light (just a little bit) now that he understands a little bit more of what I do for a living (instead of just a plain, old “computer geek”). He’s a great kid – he liked playing Chess with me before he got his driver’s license, maybe, I’ll invite him to play a game before he leaves on Sunday afternoon to go back to campus – or, I guess I could give him the set to take with him, to play against his roommate when they tire of playing Xbox at 3 in the morning (ya, right). Hhmm, that gives me an idea for an Xmas present for him…[BTW, Reece, you rock!].