Archives for May 28, 2013

Thoughts about Introverts

I ran across a posting by my former co-worker Terry Olson on FB about the following. I then searched for the original posting and I think I found it here: 10 Myths About Introverts I wrote this list in late-2008. Around that time, I was lucky enough to discover a book called, The Introvert Advantage (How To Thrive in an Extrovert World), by Marti Laney, Psy.D. It felt like someone had … [Read more...]

Final Grade: SEIS 610 Software Engineering Spring 2013

So, I went onto the Saint Thomas website today, looking for my final grade - I did this last week but apparently may have been looking in the wrong place, since Dr. Lai doesn't use the "Black Board" tool where grades were posted in our Technical communications class last Fall.  Anyway, I found my grade and I was pleasantly pleased to see it was a "B+".  One of my project group members received … [Read more...]