Archives for 2014

A story and my thoughts on Christmas

It's midnight here in the Twin Cities and I wanted to share a short story (and some thoughts). I woke up this morning around the usual time, and looked out the window, and saw a most beautiful thing: Snow on the ground. This apparently occurred overnight while the Big Guy (me) was sleeping. It just wasn't an inch, it looked like 4-5 inches to me. And, it looked truly wonderful. I'm not a huge fan … [Read more...]

Lailah – Unusual phone call request

Got home from class tonight and my phone starts to ring - unusual since it was ~9pm. Seems Lailah asked her mom to call Granpa Brian to see if he was available to play with her tomorrow (this, in addition to my usual Friday playdate with her). I had to check my social/business calendar (I'm very, very busy these days, ya know?) to see if I had any major power meetings scheduled for Wednesday, but, … [Read more...]

Lailah – Sam’s Club and the Dollhouse

Note to self: when taking the granddaughter to Sam's Club, do not, repeat, do not, take her down the toy aisle. Silly me, we passed a 3 story dollhouse sitting on a shelf. I picked her up to show her all the various rooms and furniture in it. Tried to move on many times, but she wasn't having it. Tried to tell her it'll be a Christmas present, but that didn't go over (too young to understand that, … [Read more...]

Babysitting the Granddaughter

So. I had the baby girl (Lailah) yesterday. She is such a hoot to be around. Picked her up at 11:30 and it was sprinkling a bit so she didn't want to go to the park. We went home and did so many things together (painting, of course, some choo-choo trains, etc.), but the best part this time was reading to her. There are times when she likes to "read" a different book (in her hands), as I read aloud … [Read more...]

UHG interview (via U/Saint Thomas)

Had a 45 minute Interview at U/ST, with a VP/Technology at UnitedHealthGroup (Optum div.) this morning. Very very smart gentleman - felt at ease with him and the majority of the time was able to directly answer his questions without any hemming/hawing. Only one question stumped me... I didn't ask how many openings there were, but it seemed that this was for more than just one position, since the … [Read more...]

Babysitting Lailah

Had Granddaughter Lailah over the house yesterday from 10am thru 7pm. We first did some shopping at Sam's club, which she loves since it gives her some "running around" space and she got a sucker from the greeter, and received lots of smiles from everyone there. After getting home from that, we played "play-doh" (twice), "Minnie mouse dress-up", "choo-choo trains", read a few books (with reading … [Read more...]

U/Saint Thomas – selected to interview with UHG!

Learned tonight after getting home from class that I am lucky enough to be one of ~10 interview candidates at UHG (United healthcare group) next week Thursday, due to my being in the U/Saint Thomas Graduate Program in Software (GPS). UHG apparently went to the U/ST MBA program first, but no one (or not enough MBA students) applied, they then went to GPS. Apparently my cover letter/resume piqued … [Read more...]

Quitting USPS

Realistically speaking, I've really only worked at 3 places of employment since I started my career in I.T. at age 21, in 1980: Burroughs/Unisys (29 years). Wells Fargo (18 months) as a contractor, my first position after being laid off from Unisys during the "Great Recession" in 2009. and, now, at for the past 3 years. [I really don't count Century Link in Orlando (after Wells Fargo) since I … [Read more...]

Introducing Lailah and my love for her.

On a more upbeat note... Where to start, how many times have I tried to write this story? Coming up with a gimmick to start the story, has both advantages and disadvantages. I could start with: A member of the female persuasion came into my life in April, 2012. I instantly fell in love with her, my heart being captured in a way I’ve never felt before nor imagined – but that would be … [Read more...]

My father – Darwin D. Williams.

I wrote the following a month ago, on or around Sept 9th. I received an email from my brother Keith this past Monday: My father passed away that morning – that’s all it said. He was 86, he died after being in a nursing home in Florida for several years. Please don’t feel sorry for the passing of my father. Feel sorry for me since I’ve been estranged from him for close to 35 years. I don’t … [Read more...]

Best friend gets married!

My BFF Rick and his partner John got married a few days ago, I am so happy for them. I met Rick a year after moving to the Twin Cities and have been BFFs for close to 25 yrs now. He's been with John for ten of those years, I am so happy they found each other back then and now finally able to make it a real partnership in every legal and loving aspect. Congratulations, Rick and John. … [Read more...]

Final grade for Software Process Mgmt

Unofficial final grade for "Software Process Mgmt"...B+. (Course #4 down, 6 more to go). Tonight, I start course #5, "Web app design and development", two nights a week, for next 8 weeks — at University of St. Thomas. … [Read more...]

Dream Career!

Driving into work this morning, listening to MPR, and they started playing a piece without announcing it - thought it was the theme from Dances with Wolves, turns out I was right (John Barry/composer). While listening to this powerful piece of music, it occurred to me my dream job wasn't to be just a symphony conductor, but to be a "Film Composer", combining the creation of music ALONG with … [Read more...]

Lailah – Two years old – Best Kid Ever!

Lailah turned two today, we celebrated her birthday yesterday at Katie's and Jordan's place.  Due to weather, we ended up waiting a longggg time to eat (Jordan couldn't grill out due to the rain), thereby delaying the present unwrapping.  Consequently, AND, also due to the vast quantity of gifts, our baby girl fell asleep during the last third of the present opening process.  She was so cute, … [Read more...]

Part 2: Year long software development project finally goes “Live”

[It's really too bad I didn't really do any of the design nor programming on this project - I would have tried, at least, to make it a bit less complex than it currently is]. Anyway, after working on a particular software development project at <current employer> since January, 2013, it finally went live this past week, of all things, on April 1st. If you visit your local post office, and … [Read more...]

Class #4 at Saint Thomas: Software Process Management

Tomorrow is 4th class session of seven sessions (alternating Saturdays, started mid Feb.), so it's mid term exam tomorrow, just not ready for it. Course is Software Process Mgmt, which, I know most of you would find it to be a snore, but, this semester, I have a great instructor, and he really knows how to teach - just has a ton of energy and a great teaching style (quite unlike the instructor for … [Read more...]

Toastmasters Speech #3 – Inspire the audience!

I’ve been a late bloomer in some areas of my life: ok, a late bloomer in most areas of my life. But, a really late bloomer when it comes to my home life. I figure this was partly due to not having a father figure after high school, as well as not becoming a home owner until my mid 30’s. I never thought I had the skills to do homeowner type projects like the usual improvements of painting, … [Read more...]

Part 1: Year long software development project finally goes “Live” (NOT!)

In at work, at OMG, 4am, watching over the shoulder (logically, not physically) as my production support person installs my software release that I've been working on for past 12 months. Longest software development effort ever (for me). Not used to 's red tape of software development process. My effort was completed in early sept, and it's taken 4 months for it to move from customer acceptance … [Read more...]