U/Saint Thomas – classes – Spring/2015 – part one

It “dawned” on me a couple of days ago: Spring session at Saint Thomas is starting (where the heck did January go??)

My evening class starts this coming week, and my Saturday class is starting two weeks from today. I had previously (in November) registered for “Software architecture” for Monday evenings, but today I hedged my bets by enrolling in “Advanced web development” (on Wednesday nights). I’ll attend the first night of each class (this coming week) and then figure out which subject/instructor I’m interested in, and then withdraw from the other one. [I really don’t know what SW Architecture is about – the course description is really vague and I guess I don’t want to flunk a class right before “graduating”, now do I?]

The Saturday class is to do with Database Design (a no-brainer for me, but still have to take it since its a required “core” class).

Can’t believe how quickly we’re coming to the end of this so-called “project” of mine, but still need one more class, to be taken during summer session.