More on Lailah

Some silliness: Based on the recent huge success of two short videos of Lailah (with one of them being a “music” video), the decision has been made in the Williams’ household to glue a movie camera to a football helmet and wear it around the house while she’s over at my place (babysitting me). I was wondering the other day if I could invent something to record her from my point of view and came up with this great idea. I bet I could make a lot of money selling something like this to people that have kids. What’s that you say? They already make something to do this? “Go what??” Never heard of it. I don’t need to “go pro” – yes, I know I’m an amateur. I know my idea of a ten pound super 8 mm movie camera on top of a football helmet will sell like hot cakes. [silliness ends – going back to watching HOC].

Interested in seeing more Lailah music videos? Just keep your dial tuned in to channel W-Lay, that is 123.45 on your FB dial.

Took Lailah out to the best local Mex restaurant in Rosemount last night, and while still eating, she puts her head on the table and promptly fell asleep – poor little thing – too much playing with GPB during the day, he just runs her ragged, playing “hehehe catch-me-now hehehe”. [I forgot to take a pic of her sleeping at the restaurant].

More to come.