Archives for August 25, 2015

Missed a soccer practice!

Last night at 7:30 I saw the clock and realized I'd forgotten about (and missed) Lailah's 3rd soccer practice (having started at 6). ⚽😱😔 Haven't heard from her at all today, so I know she is p.o.'ed at me. JK … [Read more...]

Unexpected Delights – Ghost??

Last week, it was finding a carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream, tonight, it's my finding ice cream bars on the freezer door. I wonder if I now have a ghost in the house or is someone coming over when I'm not around and putting stuff in the freeze that I just know I did NOT buy at the grocery store? (twilight zone music plays in the background) ...and, fade to black... … [Read more...]

Friendship and support

Amazing what wonderful friendships can do. Friend #1 (TK) provided me with awesome info to help in a certain regard. Action needed to be taken to use the provided info, but my arch enemy PROCRASTINATION reared its UGLY (and FAT) head. Two weeks go by...tick tock, tick tock. Friend #2 (JK) provides written/verbal support as well as encouragement, thereby causing me to take action … [Read more...]