Miscellaneous thoughts

Such a nice day out there today, my favorite season is fall – the temp is “just right”. Too bad it only lasts 4-6 weeks here in MN. (Lol)

I’ve got a few (good) stories to write about but I’m not doing it today. But, I’ll preview them for you:

First one is about my (accidentally) providing some excitement and joy to a person in my life by introducing them to something a few months ago. Maybe more on that later.

Second story involves my first class session last night at Saint Thomas. Will definitely share this one in a day or two.

Third story: I just shared a FB status post by a company I follow. This company is led by a young twenty-odd yr old woman who created something called “Passion Planner” (similar to a “Day-Timer” planner). I was adding specific people’s names to my FB sharing of this post, and noticed that I have a heck of a lot of female friends whose first names start with “K” ! (Lol).

Second to last, I seemed to have misplaced my Kindle. It’s gotta be around here some place, right? Don’t know how to go about “finding” it…here doggie, here, boy!

Lastly, I’m having issues (today) with my running Windows on my Mac (via “Fusion”). For some reason I am now unable to connect any USB device (printer, flash drive, etc.) to Windows. Tired of playing with Windows (7). I’m about ready to give up using Windows (for once and all), but there is a program I use a lot which only runs on Windows and I never found anything like it (on a Mac) to replace it. Woe is me. Story of my life.

I hope everyone is enjoying today’s day. Windows are open, it’s quiet out there. Actually got out for a few hours this morning and checked off several errands I had on my to-do list (of ~48 items). Lol

Ok, back to reading three textbooks, many chapters to read, a video lecture to watch, a “lab” to do, and a timed quiz to take – all to be done before next Friday. Plenty of time. Sheesh.

Oh, don’t forget to watch season 4 of Longmire – Netflix is now streaming it – not sure if it’s all episodes at once (I.e., for binge watching) or if they are weekly…