Someone’s stupid thoughts/opinion on Climate Change

Just read this FB comment by some person regarding climate change:

How can you be so sure about climate change? This earth has existed for a very long time, it has been established that there have been many weather patterns, all we are experiencing is just another variation, we’ve had ice ages for example and may again, it’s nothing to do with humans and all to do with the Earth and its life patterns.

Sadly. Shaking. My. Head.

Yes, I had to share with them my thoughts on their statement:

“You don’t think the existence of 3-4-5-6-7 billion people (i.e., “us humans”) over the last 30 to 60 yrs, along with the air pollution created by these humans (with our coal power plant emissions, industry exhaust emissions, as well as millions upon millions of automobile exhaust gases) have NOT influenced (warmed) the planet, and it’s the “earth” itself that’s causing these “variations”? Wow, methinks you have your head in the sand.

OK, I’m off my soap box now. Thanks for listening.