Archives for October 2015

Lailah News – going to the Apple Orchard

So. Lots and lots of my FB friends (all three of you) have been recently asking me: "Hey, what's up with Lailah these days?", "What's with the no recent stories about Lailah?", and my personal favorite, "Got any new excruciatingly long kitchen table painting videos of our favorite little girl?", as well as, "Man, we really miss hearing about Lailah" comments, etc. Therefore, I wanted to share … [Read more...]

Completely Mirrorless Camera Photog Now

FYI, fellow FB photographer friends: Over the summer and as of this past week, I've slowly gotten rid (via trade-in or selling) all of my DSLR camera equipment, and am now a bona fide "Mirrorless Camera ONLY" photographer (now having had my Mirrorless for the past 16 months). While I do not (yet) have the same quantity/style of lenses, I anticipate, over the next several years, the lens stable … [Read more...]

Gun Control Article and Statistics

Gun Control Article (opens in a new window)   Great article, with statistic sources cited. Here is one thing that I wanted to copy and share: "...there isn't another country in the world with as many guns as the U.S. The U.S. comprises 5 percent of the world's population, but owns between 35 and 50 percent of the world's civilian firearms. The rate of about 97 guns per 100 people is tops in … [Read more...]

Jeb Bush

Wasn't there a West Wing episode where James Brolin (guest staring as the other party's presidential candidate) runs into President Bartlett in the basement of a NYC concert hall, and after learning an off duty secret service agent was just killed, says to President Bartlett in response, "gee, stuff happens." ==================================== [actually, his line was "Crime, boy, I don't … [Read more...]

Very short Lailah update

After playing all day starting at 8am, she has now fallen asleep around 3pm...tired little girl. … [Read more...]

New TV: “Transparent”

Well, I finished season one of (Amazon's tv series) "Transparent". I thought the first few episodes were visually choppy - camera was going off in all directions - maybe that was only in the first episode...but it was very distracting at first. The story seems a bit more complicated than needed - with them going into more about how messed up each of the three children's lives are (as adults) than … [Read more...]