Miscellaneous thoughts and Sunrise photo

Random thoughts presented to you today by your <put your own flattering word here> blogger.


i woke up to the most brilliant sunshine ever this morning (as compared to doom and gloom of yesterday’s lack of sun).

Woke up a few days ago, about an hour or more earlier than my usual wake up time, looked out the window and saw this absolutely gorgeous sunrise. Got my camera and actually went out to the back patio and shot 8 pics of it – with only one of them turning out the way I saw it out my window. It’s attached to this post. Enjoy.


A lens from my glasses popped out the other day. Plopped it back in, and last few days, the spectacles have felt like I need to treat them with kid gloves. This morning (just now), it popped out again – started putting it back in, and then remembered, there is probably a screw to tighten – ok, before you say anything of how much of a dope I am, here is my excuse: the screw head is usually on the top side of the glasses, well, in this case, they decided to “hide” it and put it on the underside so it wasn’t “noticeable”. I’m going with that and to heck with you all! Oh yes, as I’m tightening the screw, I flash back to those few times when i broke my glasses in 5th/6th/7th grade, and the one time i did it just before sixth grade school pictures were taken – there I am, in all my glory, with a piece of white athletic tape holding one of the rims together. Talk about embarrassment! I might still have a copy of that pic some place, wonder if you guys would snicker at it if I posted it. [Now I know what you’re thinking. Who in their right mind would keep a copy of that pic?? Well, apparently my mom did, and I got a lot of really old pics of myself and my family after she passed]


Well, it’s been real – i still need to read about a “brazillion” (my new favorite word) chapters in my 3 text books before class tonight, as well as watching an hour long lecture and taking a short quiz. Gosh, I do so much love deadlines (and procrastination)!
