Archives for June 22, 2016

More thoughts about music

Listening to Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. What a piece of music. Then: Aaron Copland's "Fanfare for the common man". Years ago (in the '80s), a jazz group called "KittyHawk" did an upbeat electronic version of this piece, on an album called "Fanfare". Silly thing is iTunes has this album but this particular piece is missing from it. If you want to listen to it, look for it on their "Collection" … [Read more...]

Vandalism and national parks

NPR story about vandalism and national parks I really don't understand people who need to deface or vandalize property (full disclosure: ~ten yrs ago, Rose's oldest son vandalized a golf course using a golf cart upon turning 18). This story is about a young person in their early twenties who decided to paint/draw, etc. on things (rock faces) at our national parks, then bragged about what they … [Read more...]