Archives for July 29, 2016

BigB’s B-day dinner with Lailah

Had an awesome b-day dinner with Lailah (and her GMR) at the Mediterranean Cruise in Burnsville tonight. Some of you may know this place - there is live belly dancing. The belly dancer came over after a few dances and asked Lailah if she wanted to dance on the "stage" with her. To her credit, she got up and danced (three other girls a few yrs older than her, also were invited, so it was a pretty … [Read more...]

Flag burning…

I was born in 1959. Making me 9 years old in 1968, during the time of the riots happening across the country, the assassinations of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. and the beginning of the Vietnam war protests (which means I was 12-13 in 1971-72). Being nine yours old, a kid of that age is still quite innocent, and not at all knowledgable or caring about anything happening outside his … [Read more...]