Child Theme modified – removed blue buttons header right

I mentioned to Rose that I was thinking about changing my child theme, to change the look and feel to something less boxy, more flowing. I showed her two StudioPress child themes called “beautiful”, and “lifestyle”. She liked them both. I then showed her the current website, to re-familiarize her with how it currently looks. She has never liked the 3 types of navigation: Top menu bar, the secondary menu bar for post topics/categories, and the header right area with the 6 blue buttons. We discussed different options and I explained to her the difference between “posts”, and “pages”, with pages being static, and posts being dynamic blogging entries.

I explained how I had so many static pages, I ran out of space on the top menu bar, and therefore, had to create the 6 additional blue buttons. We discussed this a bit further, and I think we both came up with an idea of one new menu item in the top menu bar, and this menu item would list the 6 major areas of the blue buttons.

I created a new top menu called “pages”, and placed “blog reading”, “the library”, “photo gallery”, “technology shelf”, “model railroading” and “about BigB” as sub menu items under “pages”.

I then turned off the “custom menu” for the header right area, clearing up that space.

Rose also mentioned the top menu bar shouldn’t be over the main title of the website (“Brian’s view of the shore”), distracting readers from seeing the title. I was able to move the top menu bar to the right side of the page, by shrinking the width of the menu bar, as well as decreasing the padding between the various menus.

I did the same (decreased the padding) for the lower menu bar, and changed both the top and lower menu bars back to being “upper-case”, instead of “mixed case”.

Lastly, I increased the font size of the title from 41 to 48, making “Brian’s view of the shore” a bit bigger in size.

I think Rose will like it a bit more (hopefully).

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