Build of Stanley Stoves (part 3 of 4)

Much happier now, repainted the windows a second time (3 times total); I just did not think the repainted yellow windows fit in. I added the tar paper to both roofs, and then colored / weathered the tar paper, and added some “roof patches” to a few spots. Mostly, in addition to what I just mentioned, I spent “a lot” of time taking some sandpaper to the walls to weather them – makes it look more realistic (“aged”) than it looked a few days ago, with that unrealistic new “fresh” paint look.

Still to do, the decking surrounding the smaller (blue) structure, adding the “company” sign, and maybe one or two advertisement signs on the rear of the building (the side without any windows). Still need to color / weather the foundations stonework. And, although I didn’t take a picture of it, the exterior enclosed staircase has been built, painted/stained, and the roof of it has been tar papered. Still need to attached that whole thing to the side of the building (the right side when you are facing the barn doors).

One thing I’m learning is “less is more” when staining/painting. To apply a thin/light coat first, and if it’s too light, then add a bit more. The smaller blue structure was painted full strength, with the paint “thick”, and the color, in my opinion, was darker than expected. When I painted the exterior staircase tonight, I thinned the paint, and used a “rag” to dab it on, rather than a brush. It came out very nice. Wish I’d taken a picture of it, but you’ll see it when I get it attached to the mail structure.