Archives for 2017

First post from the WordPress IOS app, to auto-publish to Facebook.

"First post from the WordPress IOS app, to auto-publish to Facebook." Welcome to the new world, Brian. It's going to be a brave new world. You are such an early adopter at times, then other times, you are so reluctant to change or to try out things. No more typing into a FB small text entry window with all of its quirks and/or bugs. This seems a lot easier than typing up your post in FB, and then … [Read more...]

Build of Busted Knuckle Garage

This is a structure I built last night and "painted" (weathered) tonight. Still needs roofing shingles to be put on, as well as the signs. I know now why the "expert" modelers paint/weather the walls/pieces, before glueing them together. I didn't do that this time (nor for the other half dozen kits I've made), but I'm beginning to "learn" that it would be much easier to weather, then glue … [Read more...]

Corruption in the presidency

I was only thirteen yrs old in 1972. Something stupid and crazy happened in June of that year. It happened so silently it was only a blip on the radar, and probably only a couple of the local newspapers carried the story: a local hotel and office complex had been broken into by a few guys, in the middle of the night. It wasn't anywhere near a national story, and even if it were, at the age of … [Read more...]

A simple petty burglary, and with that, a president is disgraced

I was only thirteen yrs old in 1972. Something stupid and crazy happened in June of that year.  It happened so silently it was only a blip on the radar, and probably only a couple of the local newspapers carried the story:  a local hotel and office complex had been broken into by a few guys, in the middle of the night.  It wasn't anywhere near a national story, and even if it were, at the age … [Read more...]

President Trump’s State of the Union Address – “unemployment”

President Trump stated tonight (once again) in his State of the Union address that there are "94 million unemployed Americans". Let's take a few minutes to dissect that number to judge the validity of that statement. There are roughly 323 million people living in the United States. If there were 94 million people unemployed, that would mean, the unemployment rate is now at 29%. In 1933, in the … [Read more...]