People behind me on the bus

I’m on the bus, riding home, directly behind me are two women, with a toddler and a baby, all of whom are making tons of noise.

And, you know what??

I’m ok with it.

Seven years ago, I would be having a cow, giving them the evil eye, quickly turning my head around, and just as quick turning it back to facing forward.

I would be steaming, the steam would be coming out of my ears by the boatload.

I could generate electricity with the amount of steam from my ears.

Today, however, six and a half years after the birth of The Little Girl, I am so at ease with the noises these little ones are making –


What a wound up tight jerk I was and must have been, during my thirties/forties, for most of my adult life.

Yes, I know that you knew this about me (if you worked with me, etc.)

I am so fortunate (and blessed) to have finally had this experience of having a baby/toddler/kindergartener in my life.
