President Trump’s so-called accomplishments/goals

President Trump’s “goals” and/or “accomplishments”:

  1. Withdraw from the climate change treaty/pact – done.

  2. Withdraw from NATO – deferred for now.

  3. Scrap NAFTA – done.

  4. Withdraw from TPP agreement (Trans-Pacific Partnership) – done.

  5. Repeal ACA (“Obamacare”) – done.

  6. Withdraw from JCPOA (“Iran nuclear deal”) – done.

  7. Withdraw from one of the nuclear missile limitation treaty’s with Russia – announced.

  8. Remove civil rights for transgender Americans – announced / making progress.

  9. “Recognizing” a terrorist country by meeting with its dictator – done.

  10. Pretend to make a “contract” with North Korea to denuclearize their country – done.

  11. Take “control” of the Federal Reserve, by politicizing it – ongoing effort.

  12. Ban Muslims from entering the U.S. – ongoing effort.

  13. Deport illegal immigrants, separating parents from their children – ongoing effort.

  14. Repeal DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) act – ongoing effort.

  15. Twittered at least 4,000 times (average of 7 times a day, according to several “fake news” sources) – ongoing effort.

  16. Alienating our European allies – ongoing effort.

  17. Creating a trade war with China – ongoing effort.

  18. Alienating our trade partners in Canada, Mexico, and elsewhere – ongoing effort.

Candidate Trump’s Campaign goals:

  1. Reduce the deficit – forgotten and/or failed (didn’t even try, in fact, it’s the highest now since the ‘Great Recession’)

  2. Reduce (or even ”totally eliminate”) the national debt – forgotten and/or failed (didn’t even try, in fact, the national debt has been greatly increased).

  3. Defeat ISIS/ISIL/Daesh – have to be truthful, this apparently was accomplished during this administration.

  4. Build a wall on the Mexican border, to be paid for by the Mexican government – hasn’t happened yet.

  5. Create 25 million new jobs, and bring back blue collar jobs – there had already been four to six consecutive years of job growth under President Obama’s administration, the trending of lower unemployment just kept continuing downward. However, it’s not due to blue collar (or even white collar) jobs being brought back from offshore/overseas.


The first list above (of destruction) is during just the first ~two years of this administration’s term.

What is President Trump and his administration going to do during the second half of his term?