Archives for November 20, 2018

Bread Maker ordered!

Ordered myself an Oster Bread Maker this afternoon. Should get it by Wednesday afternoon/evening. Gonna try it out that night or first thing Thanksgiving morning. Been invited to share Thanksgiving with a couple of friends - they’re (without them knowing) going to be my guinea pigs. 🥖🍞🥖🍞🥖🍞🥖 😱😉🤓 … [Read more...]

Start of the holiday season

True story. [i wish] Ok, not a true story. [but, it could have happened - just not here in Beautiful, Quiet, Calm, Downtown Apple Valley] Driving home from the transit station just now, I encountered not one, not two, but THREE houses that had their Christmas lights turned on. In each case, I drove up their driveway, leaned on the horn until the owner popped their head out their front door, … [Read more...]