Boys and dolls – a confession

Ok, I’ve shared most everything else about my life, here is something so very personal I’ve never shared with anyone before, in the last fifty plus years.

I played with dolls as a very young boy (very early elementary school years). Both GI Joes, as well as “Barbie, and Ken”.

Don’t ask me how I got started with Barbie, or which came first (Barbie or GI Joes), since I don’t remember. I’m sure my mom probably played a huge role in buying the Barbie stuff. I’m guessing it had to do with her wanting a daughter (as opposed to having a second son), and she wasn’t going to have a third child (due to her mid 30’s age when she had me).

Never had an adult conversation with her regarding this, but I sure wish I had spoken to her about it at some point in my adult life – since it kinda screwed me up when I was a five/six/seven year old (I’m guessing here since I don’t exactly remember what yrs I had them, having blocked this particular memory out), and having to endure the teasing by my young cousins or childhood friends. I’m pretty sure I hid my playing with dolls from them after the first few times of them laughing at me.

I’m referring to Barbie here, since GI Joes were obviously for boys (you know: guns, Army, etc.)

There, it’s now in the open.

One more stupid memory to let go of, to stop being ashamed of, to stop being embarrassed by.

F*ck this.

[pretty hard to press the stupid “Post” button.]