Pandemic – reopening – rude people

What is the world (i.e., these United States) coming to? A small business owner runs an ice cream parlor, and re-opens his business with social distancing rules for ordering, etc., and within the first day (or evening), people coming into the place are so rude to his staff that he has to then close it up again.

It’s just ice cream, folks. You can live without it.’

Not to mention the people who are upset because they can’t clip their own finger/toe nails, who can’t stand having “long” hair, or can’t tolerate not being able to go golfing, or have to, just have to, have to go to the beach.

There have been period(s) in my life when i lacked patience, and was irritable, etc. But, not because my hairs were too long, not because i couldn’t get together with “the guys” to bitch and moan, and complain as i hit a stupid ball, not because I couldn’t jump into the water, or sit on a beach, or buy myself an ice cream, or go out to the garden store to buy new plants for my backyard, or .

Big sigh.