Being down – and how I (temporarily) fixed it.

Several weeks now, I’ve been kinda down. Lots of reasons.

But, once I knew BFF Rick was going to come over (originally yesterday but we moved it today), I got my stupid, sorry, depressed ass off the couch, out of bed, out of the funk, out of the mope, whatever, and started cleaning and tidying;

I’m the type who doesn’t make the bed each day; and I sometimes ‘laugh’ (or, roll my eyes) when I see someone’s response to one of those FB questions about making your bed.

I made my bed today – it LOOKS fantastic.

I tidied my kitchen counter/island, removing/discarding the papers, gizmos, projects, screws, nuts, nails, bolts, and various junk – it looks FANTASTIC.

I had several ‘projects’ going on, on the LR floor (organizing my CDs after the move) for past several weeks, cluttering the LR; tidied it all up, got rid of some of mess – and – IT LOOKS FANTASTIC.

Friday, I cleaned the entire kitchen and bathrooms, and – [ok, you know how it looks, by now]

The last few weeks, I’ve been trying to remember to always turn the music on right away (either in the morning on the weekends, or after work when I move from the basement office to the upstairs/main level). That’s helped a lot.

The sunshine helps on the weekends, and I know today’s time change will help as well. Seeing Rick today will also help a lot.

Working remote also is a cause, not seeing your colleagues faces, and/or only talking to them regarding work issues or on conference calls isn’t the same as walking over to their cube and chatting them up about “last night’s football game”, etc.

S.A.D. It’s a friggin bastard.

In a posting from a few weeks ago, I mentioned putting Lailah’s pictures in frames and placing them on the built-in cabinets in the LR – seeing them picks me up, and each time I walk past one of them, I smile (says the guy who typically doesn’t smile when he’s home by himself)

[My point, one of my points was/is, the lack of tidiness in the house was also a huge factor in the funk/moping.]