Relationship advice

Today’s profound thoughts.

Something I read many, many years ago (but never applied in my life). Here are three “tests” to “gauge” whether or not your new (or current) relationship will work out (is working).

  1. Play a game(s) together – do you enjoy playing a game(s) with them?
  1. Do a project together – did you enjoy that experience or was it a real struggle to work together completing it? Did the project actually get completed?
  1. Take a vacation together – again, was it a joyful, pleasant experience, or did you just want to get away from them as quickly as possible?

If you have zero or only one positive experience (from these three tests), most likely this new relationship won’t survive. If this is your current long term relationship, you might want to ask yourself if you’re truly happy with this person in your life (at this moment in your life).

If two of the three situations have positive outcomes, there is a good or better chance that this relationship could work out – and, that you may be or actually are compatible with each other.

If your experiences with all three situations have been positive ones, I’m thinking, there is a very good (or great) chance that you may have found “The One”. Don’t let them get away!

The above words are mine – the only thing I actually remember are the tests: “play a game”, “do a project”, and “go on a vacation”. Each test ending with the word “together”.

Obviously this isn’t very scientific but true love is more “Art”, than “Science.”

Your thoughts – Rubbish, Truth, or a little of both?