Lailah – Babysitting – Jordan picking her up

So Jordan comes by to pick her up tonight, after getting off work. We’re in the living room, she is “hiding” from her dad, as she always does – it’s a game with her.

While waiting for her to show herself, we talk about his day, I compliment him on the recent “job completion” pics that were posted by his boss (at Infinite Decks), and other stuff (like what she and I did today), and also caught up on her soccer practice that I missed on Monday evening, etc.

Eventually she comes out of her hiding spot (my closet), we put on her shoes, and we walk out to the driveway to his truck. I had borrowed her tricycle this morning when I picked her up, and Jordan stuffed it in the back of the truck. While he’s doing that, I pick her up, and place her in her car seat, buckling her up. Gave her a kiss goodbye, she then holds out her arms – wanting a goodbye hug from me. Do that, slap/squeeze Jordan’s shoulder as he gets into the driver’s seat, saying goodbye to him.

Walking up the drive, I only get two steps away when Jordan calls out “hey!” I turn round, and look at him. He clears his throat “ahem.”

Long, very long, pause.

“Umm, you’ve got a smudge of something on your nose” he says.

“Oh, thanks! Yeah, Lailah painted my nose blue this afternoon. No worries!”

Made. My. Day.


[Picture of me with my painted nose is in today’s Lailah album that was posted earlier this evening.]