Archives for 2015

Sad story in newspaper today

Sad story follows, sorry. I was in line today at the grocery store, and it was taking a bit longer than usual, so I picked up the nearby newspaper from the rack, and was glancing at the front page news. Saw the sad headline of a 24 yr old mom (in STP), coming home after working a 10 hour day, interrupting a burglary in her home. The three men inside her home told her to get on the floor, and … [Read more...]

Re-Reading “The Girl…Dragon Tattoo”, part 2

Hmm, an update to my Stieg Larsson ("The girl with the dragon tattoo") book reading. If you remember, I had already read the first two books around 4-5 yrs ago. Got a bit burned out after reading them back to back, and never went back to the final book of the trilogy. This was where I was about a month or so ago with my original post on this topic. Since then, I've now re-read book 2 ("The girl … [Read more...]

Peeve: Talking during a movie in the theater

I was having a conversation (with RML) last night, about people talking in a movie theatre - this person knows how I typically react, and mentioned to me they think I'm trying to be "confrontational" (by my asking the person talking in the theater, "could you please be quiet?"). No, I replied, I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm trying to get them to "shut the heck up!" So, my question is, … [Read more...]

Baking and Banana Bread!

My thanks goes to Yvonne Van West, a few months ago, I was lamenting about a portion of my bananas going to waste since I tend to buy a bunch of six, but only get to eat three or four before they "over-ripe". Yvonne was brilliant in sharing with me that I could be making banana bread from the unused ones. So, I got myself a banana bread mix recently, and made my first ever batch of banana bread … [Read more...]

Lailah and recent MN Zoo outing

After doing our usual indoor play activities from 10am until about 1pm, Lailah and I drove over to the MN Zoo (it's really nice being only 5 mins away). We then spent ~three hours walking around the outdoor animals, like the "Takin", the Asian Wild Dog, the prairie dogs (she loved those little guys, popping up out of their tunnel holes), the Moose, the Camels, the Leopard, the Wild Boars, and we … [Read more...]

Passing of a great man: George Mueller

Back in the '80s, one of the predecessor companies of Unisys (Burroughs), bought a company called SDC (System Development Corporation) where George Mueller was the CEO, merging that firm into Burroughs, with Mr. Mueller becoming a Senior VP of Burroughs. He was at the head of NASA's endeavor to put a man on the moon in the '60s. He recently passed away. Passing of George Mueller (open in new … [Read more...]

Need better ideas for outdoor Lailah activity

HEY! Lailah fans: I'm getting "the kid" tomorrow. The (been there, done that) plan is the MN Zoo. Bit do any of you out there have a better outdoor activity (we've done the apple orchard already)? Need some great ideas, please! Otherwise, we'll just go to the park one last time (before the "W" word arrives in the next few weeks), playing on the slides and swings together, playing "hoops" on … [Read more...]

Renewing long lost friendships (again)

Took an opportunity to renew a long lost friendship today by meeting a friend of mine (LE) who I'd not seen in ~nine yrs, and had a really great lunch with them. I am so glad to have reconnected with them. [I cannot remember right now that saying about long lost friendships (with starting right back where you left off), but I think some of you may know it.]   P.s., We saw "Bridge of … [Read more...]

Football game mistake and internet bullying

Football game mistake, and internet bullying (open in new window) If you know me, you know that I really don't pay attention to football. On the other hand, I do know what is being referenced in this blog post about the UM vs. MSU game. I think it's just unimaginable that there are people who behave the way the blogger is writing about...please take a minute to read her post. It's a game - one … [Read more...]

Brownies, spreading Peanut Butter on top

Eating just baked home made chocolate brownies and spreading on peanut butter is so messy, but in the end, it's yummy (if you have some milk to go along with it). "Just sayin" Now, where did I put my napkin?? … [Read more...]

Excitement over new book: “Split Second”

You know you must be reading a good book when, at the end of Chapter three, you almost shout out "Omg," (actually I didn't shout, and it wasn't omg, but it was quite a loud "Wow!, Wow!"). Cannot remember why I chose this book as one to download as a Kindle sample (several weeks ago), but the third chapter has just succeeded in reeling me in. "Split second", Author is Douglas E. Richards. [upon … [Read more...]

Twin Cities Model Railroad Museum Closing?

TC MRR Museum closing article (open in new window) This is really unfortunate - I've been to this museum numerous times over the years, and actually took Lailah there last Christmas. I'm hoping they can find a way to stay there or find another place - but it would be a lot of work to move. You would think there would be some railroad/corporation (like BNSF, or Central Pacific) that could make a … [Read more...]

Someone’s stupid thoughts/opinion on Climate Change

Just read this FB comment by some person regarding climate change: "How can you be so sure about climate change? This earth has existed for a very long time, it has been established that there have been many weather patterns, all we are experiencing is just another variation, we've had ice ages for example and may again, it's nothing to do with humans and all to do with the Earth and its life … [Read more...]

Pet Peeve: Typos in FB Profound meme’s

...the moment when you really find a profound or interesting statement, and half way through it, you see the "always there" typo or grammar error, making you grimace. Ain't those persons no ani proper engish?? … [Read more...]

Stupid Gun Control Cartoon (Bob Babas)

Stupid Gun Control Cartoon (opens in a new window) Bob Babas I think you know I have the utmost regard and respect for you. In my opinion, this strip represents an apples to oranges comparison. You and many others are missing the point when this example is used: not many mass murderers bring a bat or a rope or a knife to commit mass murder - because the person that wants to kill or hurt … [Read more...]

Fox News Bill O’Reilly and Gun Control

Fox News Bill O'Reilly & Gun Control (opens in a new window) This type of argument by Bill O'Reilly really misses the friggin point: yes, there will always be "maniacs" (not my word choice) out there and while it may be nearly impossible to prevent people like this from committing murder, we can prevent MASS murder by controlling the purchase of guns AND ammunition. A misguided person who … [Read more...]

Lunch with BFF Rick, and Chocolates

Was at MOA today with BFF Rick. Last time we were there I bought two pounds of assorted Lindor chocolate truffles. Told him today it was his responsibility to prevent me from doing that ever again. Not sure if he was successful or if he failed: this time I only got myself a one pound assortment (citrus, orange, raspberry, and white chocolate). Not sure if I should be thanking him or not. The goal … [Read more...]

Lailah News – going to the Apple Orchard

So. Lots and lots of my FB friends (all three of you) have been recently asking me: "Hey, what's up with Lailah these days?", "What's with the no recent stories about Lailah?", and my personal favorite, "Got any new excruciatingly long kitchen table painting videos of our favorite little girl?", as well as, "Man, we really miss hearing about Lailah" comments, etc. Therefore, I wanted to share … [Read more...]

Completely Mirrorless Camera Photog Now

FYI, fellow FB photographer friends: Over the summer and as of this past week, I've slowly gotten rid (via trade-in or selling) all of my DSLR camera equipment, and am now a bona fide "Mirrorless Camera ONLY" photographer (now having had my Mirrorless for the past 16 months). While I do not (yet) have the same quantity/style of lenses, I anticipate, over the next several years, the lens stable … [Read more...]

Gun Control Article and Statistics

Gun Control Article (opens in a new window)   Great article, with statistic sources cited. Here is one thing that I wanted to copy and share: "...there isn't another country in the world with as many guns as the U.S. The U.S. comprises 5 percent of the world's population, but owns between 35 and 50 percent of the world's civilian firearms. The rate of about 97 guns per 100 people is tops in … [Read more...]