Blogging about Lailah vs. re-watching “Better Call Saul”

Blogging about Lailah is so much better than re-watching S1 of “Better call Saul” (before moving onto S2).

I’m pretty sure I left some good Lailah stuff out (with tonight’s Lailah post) – that’s what happens when you’re an old fart and your brain has become cold pasta, and the Lailah encounter that you’re trying to remember happened two days ago.

Next time, I think, I’ll use one of those fancy, shamancy voice to text recorders, at the end of the day, to record my memories of our day together. To later transcribe to FB and the blog.

Or, here’s an idea: I’ll just put my go-pro helmet on, and “tape” all day long when she’s with me. That way, I’ll have her exact words.

[I wonder how many dollars she’ll try to bribe me with, when she’s fourteen, to suppress these videos of her as a little girl, in order for me not to show to her latest boyfriend?]
