Buld of Staton Marine (3 of 4)

After letting “Staton Marine” sit around for a week or so, I gave it a go tonight and it’s now ~90% completed. Only two things left to do, put in some under the roof trim wood under the three upside down “V” sections of the roof, and then weather the walls a lot by scuffing them up a little bit. I loved how the roof turned out - with the battens, and the weathering I did on it, using some alcohol … [Read more...]

Build of Staton Marine (2 of 4)

Spent a couple of hours today working on Staton Marine. Painted and installed most of the windows, 2 of the 3 doors, added the roof rafters, painted and glued the three roofs on. Still left to do: adding the under the roof trim, two sets of windows to install, one barn door to install, battens on the three roofs, installing the pulley gizmos above the barn doors, gluing on the 2-3 signs and … [Read more...]

Build of Staton Marine (1 of 4)

I’ve written up this update now four different times. Don’t ask why. Operator error. This is “Staton Marine”, still a beginner skill level kit. Started on this tonight, and was able to do the interior bracing, and the painting of the walls, and the gluing of the walls. Still to do: painting of the windows and doors, gluing the roof down, adding the tar paper, signs, etc. might have this done by … [Read more...]

Dolly’s build 2 of 2

Didn't say anything when these were originally posted. … [Read more...]

Build of Dolly’s 1 of 2

Really didn't say anything when there were previously posted. … [Read more...]

Build of Chalky’s Pool Hall

Didn't post anything other than to express frustration with trying to install the wrong shingles, and then finding later on the right ones. We put this aside for a period of time, obviously. … [Read more...]

Build of Stanley Stoves (part 4 of 4)

Well, I think I should first explain about “Jim”, who’s seem to have fallen right at the exact moment of me taking these pics. Poor Jim, he had a really rough night last night. He was at the bar last night, forgetting he had to work this morning. Good thing he’s the foreman at Stanley Stove - so, if anyone’s going to shout at him for coming to work drunk, it’ll be Jim, shouting at himself. … [Read more...]

Build of Stanley Stoves (part 3 of 4)

Much happier now, repainted the windows a second time (3 times total); I just did not think the repainted yellow windows fit in. I added the tar paper to both roofs, and then colored / weathered the tar paper, and added some “roof patches” to a few spots. Mostly, in addition to what I just mentioned, I spent “a lot” of time taking some sandpaper to the walls to weather them - makes it look more … [Read more...]

Build of Stanley Stoves (part 2 of 4)

Another post of pics without words.  I first painted windows a dark brown (too dark), and then changed them to yellow (yuck). … [Read more...]

Build of Stanley Stoves (part 1 of 4)

I didn't say anything when I first posted these. … [Read more...]

Build of Starman’s Spindles

Well, I’m calling “Starman’s Spindles” pretty much completed. This evening, I added the roof top sign, the front sidewalk, and a company sign on the back of the building. The kit came with the casting of a pile of leftover debris that I added some “color” to since it was just gray straight out of the kit box. Eventually, once I move these buildings onto a scene/diorama, the debris will sit nearby … [Read more...]

Build of Miracle Chairs

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Build of Busted Knuckle Garage

This is a structure I built last night and "painted" (weathered) tonight. Still needs roofing shingles to be put on, as well as the signs. I know now why the "expert" modelers paint/weather the walls/pieces, before glueing them together. I didn't do that this time (nor for the other half dozen kits I've made), but I'm beginning to "learn" that it would be much easier to weather, then glue … [Read more...]

Model Railroading and “Collecting”

So. Most all Model Railroader hobbyists are also "collectors". They (read: "we") either collect engines (locomotives), passenger cars, freight cars, or even things called "structure kits" (various types of buildings you put together). We usually do our collecting via eBay, or at the local model railroading flea markets, etc. Sometimes, we even collect "track". (to run our MRR collection on...🙄 … [Read more...]

Model Railroading thoughts

I'm mostly what's called an "Armchair" Model Railroader. Been one since 1973 when I was just fourteen years old, with my first purchase of a MRR magazine. That usually means I read the various hobbyist books and magazines but do not actually "build" things. Well, that's not 100% true in my case, since I've built ~8 buildings ("structures" in MRR terminology) from various model kits the last few … [Read more...]

Model Railroading books and eBay

Some backgound first: I'm a collector of vintage Model Railroading books. By "vintage", I mean books published from the early/mid 1930's to the hobby's height of popularity in the mid/late 1950's. That is not to say, I don't collect "newer" MRR books than that since I also collect MRR books from the the 60s, 70's, 80s, etc. The vintage MRR books though, are written in eloquent prose style … [Read more...]

Modelrailroading video

Kind of a longish (30 mins) video, but well worth it, in terms of seeing what can be done with model railroading. The first minute or two of the video doesn't really do it justice - need to be a bit patient with the videographer, until he actually zooms in on the details, for example, the cracks in the concrete roadways, and various scenes such as the cemetery, and the detail on the buildings, the … [Read more...]

Twin Cities Model Railroad Museum Closing?

TC MRR Museum closing article (open in new window) This is really unfortunate - I've been to this museum numerous times over the years, and actually took Lailah there last Christmas. I'm hoping they can find a way to stay there or find another place - but it would be a lot of work to move. You would think there would be some railroad/corporation (like BNSF, or Central Pacific) that could make a … [Read more...]

Internet down today: Model Railroading

Two more blog posts to do. Second to last - as previously noted, my internet was down from late Thursday thru Saturday afternoon. The technician comes around my place at 3:30, worked on the outside box for quite some time. Finally comes to the door, introduces himself as a Charter employee, and we talk about my problem. He starts looking at the cabling, etc. In the meantime, he inquires "is that … [Read more...]

MRR – Flea Market Event

As some of you know, one of my hobbies is Model Railroading. Over the yrs, I've accumulated some stuff (magazines, "locomotive equipment", etc.), that are either duplicates or no longer wanted - there was a time where I would put this unwanted stuff on eBay, but haven't done that in the recent few years. About a month or two ago, I became aware of a local MRR flea market that was being held … [Read more...]